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Qivation 家居可持續健康方案

Qivation 光觸媒應用技術


Qivation 光觸媒智能LED燈膽

Qivation 光觸媒智能LED全彩光燈帶

Qivation 光觸媒枱墊 

Qivation 光觸媒無線充電座

Qivation QleanPad TiO2 多機能ワイヤレス充電器

Qivation 光觸媒無線充電座Plus


如何把 Qivation Lighting Q- WiZ系列產品連接到 Wiz APP(iOS)

Qivation 光觸媒智能 LED 全彩光燈膽場景設定

Qivation 光觸媒智能LED 全彩光燈膽 Siri 語音示範

Qivation 光觸媒智能LED 全彩光燈膽淨化功能實時測試

Qivation HKTVmall 直播重溫 (13/5/2022)


Qivation光觸媒無線充電座- 日本用家示範

食店可以這樣做 - 極簡易操作,Qivation 幫你省下大量防疫時間和金錢

特別鳴謝:隱家拉麵工場 | 相關產品

重新連繫社區 - Qivation 燈光改造光觸媒應用

特別鳴謝:仁濟醫院吳王依雯長者鄰舍中心 | 相關服務

踢走病毒與異味 - 與天盛道場一起培訓專注力不足孩子

特別鳴謝:天盛道場 | 相關產品


特別鳴謝:Salon Nova | 相關產品

"What I like the most is you can have a different kind of light for every mood"

MIRE - Company HR (30 from Spain)

"I think nowadays with the pandemic, it's really good to use them"

CRIS - Ecommerce Executive (27 from Spain)

"...the anti-bacterial and anti-viral function on it i hadn't seen in any other bulb"

SKYLAR - Ballet Dancer (28 from USA)

"My favourite mode is the Day Light mode. Because it brings up all the energy and it just keeps you positive when it's cloudy outside the door..." 

RADU - Graphic Designer (27 from Romania)

"when I'm on the way home, I put on and it purifies the air so I feel much more safer when I get back"

SYLVIA - Director of Development (London)